Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research

Equator Highlights

12/12/2018 EQUATOR Network resources now available in German

Lesen Sie, dies auf Deutsch Sprechen Sie Deutsch? The EQUATOR Network is proud to launch its German pages this week. Now, German-speaking researchers around the world will find resources for better research reporting more easily and quickly, says Shona Kirtley, […]

24/09/2018 EQUATOR Network awarded for reducing waste in research

    The Cochrane-REWARD Prize was announced during the gala dinner at the Cochrane Colloquium in Edinburgh The EQUATOR Network Education and Training Manager, Caroline Struthers, has just received the Cochrane-REWARD Prize from the hands of Sir Iain Chalmers during […]

03/04/2018 Fond farewells: Celebrating Iveta Simera’s decade with the EQUATOR Network

After ten years with the EQUATOR Network, Iveta Simera has moved on from her post as founding Deputy Director of the UK EQUATOR Centre, joining the Global Health Network. In this blog post, UK EQUATOR Centre Director Doug Altman summarises […]

12/01/2018 EQUATOR 2017 highlights

 2017 was another busy year for the UK EQUATOR Centre team! We were honoured to send Iveta Simera to the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Annual Meeting, to accept the CSE’s 2017 Award for Meritorious Achievement on behalf of the […]

Annual EQUATOR Lecture 2017: Patrick Bossuyt
Date: 11 September 2017
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

We were delighted to welcome Patrick Bossuyt, Professor at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Bioinformatics at the Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam, to deliver the 8th EQUATOR Annual Lecture.

25/05/2017 EQUATOR Network honoured by the Council of Science Editors

We are proud and delighted to announce that on 23 May 2017, Iveta Simera accepted the Council for Science Editors’ (CSE) 2017 Award for Meritorious Achievement on behalf of the EQUATOR Network. CSE’s highest award is given to a person […]

08/07/2016 Taking research to the next level with EQUATOR Publication School

Twenty researchers and clinicians joined us for a week-long journey to create well-reported, clear research with an impact beyond academia. Researchers are taught to do research, not to write papers. It’s a familiar refrain, and the reason for our flagship […]

10/06/2016 Gerstein Science Information Centre holds seminar on impactful biomedical research

The Gerstein Science Information Centre at the University of Toronto recently organised a seminar focusing on achieving quality and transparency when conducting scoping or systematic reviews

EQUATOR and PAHO develop practical action plan for universities to support their scientists in responsible reporting

On 15 March 2016, Dr Iveta Simera, Deputy Director of the UK EQUATOR Centre gave the presentation: Research papers that make a difference: how to increase research value, reputation, and impact at the 4th University Internationalizaton Seminar held in Washington […]

23/03/2016 Two great EQUATOR events in Oxford this summer

EQUATOR will be at Evidence Live! We are delighted that the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine invited EQUATOR to run a day-long pre-conference workshop on 21st June before Evidence Live called The EQUATOR Network: Get your research published and be praised […]

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