Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research


16/12/2014 EQUATOR Canada Centre launched

The EQUATOR Canada Centre was officially launched on 16 October 2014 in Ottawa, Canada

The first EQUATOR Reporting Guideline Development Meeting, 18-20 November 2014, Oxford
Date: 18-20 November 2014
Location: Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel, Oxford, UK

More than 20 contributors with a wealth of expertise, experience, and passionate commitment to the cause gathered in Oxford for the first EQUATOR Reporting Guideline Development Working Meeting. We discussed how the EQUATOR Network can move forward and take practical […]

12/11/2014 Journals and industry collaborate on new authorship framework to improve transparency of industry-sponsored research

The Medical Publishing Insights and Practices Initiative (MPIP) has recently published the Five-step Authorship Framework to Improve Transparency in Disclosing Contributors to Industry-sponsored Trial Publications in BMC Medicine. MPIP, in collaboration with academic researchers, conducted a novel qualitative attitude study […]

12/11/2014 STARD Guideline Updating

The STARD Group is working to update the STARD guideline for reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy

16/10/2014 NEW BOOK from EQUATOR: Guidelines for reporting health research: a user’s manual

The EQUATOR Network is very proud to announce the publication of a new book Guidelines for Reporting Health Research: a user’s manual.  Written by the authors of health research reporting guidelines, in association with the EQUATOR Network, this is a […]

25/09/2014 Linked publications from a single trial: a thread of evidence

A new Trials editorial by Douglas G Altman, Curt D Furberg, Jeremy M Grimshaw and Daniel R Shanahan Abstract: The medical literature is vast and it is impossible to keep up with the deluge of new research articles. With ongoing […]

24/09/2014 Improving neuropsychological research through use of reporting guidelines

The Clinical Neuropsychologist journal has recently published a special issue dedicated to raising awareness of research reporting guidelines

03/09/2014 COMET initiative: Group seeks standardization for what clinical trials must measure

A nice overview of the COMET initiative’s work and the group’s latest research. Professor Doug Altman, director of the EQUATOR programme, is also a member of COMET’s management group. Reference: Nature Medicine 20, 798–799, (2014), doi:10.1038/nm0814-798  

03/09/2014 STRATOS initiative

The STRATOS (STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies) initiative has been set up to develop accessible and accurate guidance in the design and analysis of observational studies. The STRATOS website (http://www.stratos-initiative.org/) has been launched recently. The website provides more details […]

27/08/2014 New actions by PLoS Medicine Editors to advance research transparency – focus on observational studies

An editorial published in PLoS Medicine introduces new measure to further support transparency and usability of published research. PLoS editors are strengthening their reporting requirements for observational and diagnostic accuracy studies (requiring the use of STROBE and STARD reporting guidelines […]

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